Programming and Designing a Website for a Major Company in Turkey
Execution Period
14 DaysServices
Website Design and DevelopmentPlatform
Viviana CosmeticAn overview of Viviana’s website programming and design
viviana: A leading company in the production and export of cosmetics in Türkiye.
Customer website: vivianacosmetic.com.tr
One of our works is designing and programming the website for Viviana Success Partners
- At apollo solutions, we have provided user interfaces that are compatible with various devices and screens.
- We made sure that the colors used on the site were compatible with the colors of the brand’s visual identity.
- We worked on search engine optimization (SEO), In order to enhance the brand and its visibility on search engines.
- Our programmers relied on the latest technologies in designing and programming the website.
To request this service from Apollo Solutions, Contact us: 00905528330233
You can view a gallery of our work in website programming and design: fromhere.